So What's With Bipolar
Illness, Work and School?
Myths abound about those of us who
bipolar disorder and want to work or go to school. In my volunteer work
with people with depression and bipolar disorder, I see untruths
perpetuated throughout our society. The myths make me mad! htm
Resiliency in the Work
Resiliency is a buzz-word in the mental health community. Did you know
it is an important ingredient for the workplace as well as for
individuals? Resiliency allows us to respond to the challenges of life
in our homes, families, and communities, including the workplace! htm pdf
We are also pleased to
make available the
articles Dr. Mountain has written for ISBD
the newsletter of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders
(ISBD). For the many people who are thinking about starting their own
recovery group, these articles will give you proven protocols for its
long term success.
Support and Active Problem Solving: Keys to a Successful Recovery Group.
A peer recovery group focuses on support and active problem solving
within a safe environment. Recovery models are built on a foundation of
mutual support. Active problem solvingamong peers adds the bricks and
mortar to recovery-focused models. The additional value of personal
experience generates hope as recovery skills are modeled and taught. htm pdf
Peer/Community Groups: Effective Planning.
How do group leaders insure that a group will be effective, remaining
focused on essential values? What prevents a group from breaking down
into a gripe session that occurs on a regular basis rather than a group
focused on recovery? htm
Practicing Hospitality in a
Recovery Group. Merriam Webster Online defines hospitable as given
to generous and cordial reception of guests.
Paying attention to issues of hospitality can result in a more
effective group and a better experience for those who attend. htm pdf
4. The
Benefits of a Healthy Recovery Group. In
this rticle on recovery groups, we examine the benefits of healthy
recovery groups. Recovery groups can have a major impact in helping a
person live well with bipolar disorder. They provide opportunities for
learning and for being part of a unique, supporting community. htm pdf
5. Respectful
Language. An
important step in developing a recovery-focused approach to bipolar
disorder is to discover how the use of language affects individuals
with bipolar disorder. htm pdf